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The most important thing...

Brenda Lloyd | 2019-04-26, here we go...

With the basic outline of my back story pretty much laid out for the world to now see, I can get on with this blog thing.

It was a struggle for me to begin it, actually...mostly because I've always thought of blogging (vlogging, instagram,social media in general) to be the worst form of narcissism, self-indulgence, navel gazing, whatever. I was also overwhelmed by the sheer number of blogs out there; every topic already covered, every problem already in the process of being solved.

It's rather difficult to be a writer without a website these days though, I am.

The funny thing?  Once I started working on my blogs, I found it hard to stop.  I get it now, and rather than thinking of blogging as self-indulgent, I now think of it as a way for people to share stories that others can learn from; be inspired by.

Helped by.

Oh, sure, there are some blogs out there that are extremist, glaringly stupid, bin-worthy (ignore them, they will fade out) ... but most, the ones I've been drawn to and follow, seem to be all about helping others.

Most are meant to inspire, help, share, give advice. 

Well, I hope to do some of those things.  I won't give advice, though. 

My life is not yours, yours is not mine, and I'm certainly no therapist/counselor.  What worked for me may not work for you and, oh hell...I'm just going to say it - you know, that cover-my-butt thing everyone has to say because there are still people out there who need to be told not to put the plastic bag over a child's head:

Don't try anything you read here at home without first consulting a physician, a counselor, a mentor, or your Mom.  Thank you.

I do believe there are so many blogs out there that everyone can eventually find someone to relate to. If my story doesn't resonate and help, move on to the next one, keep looking...I wish you well.

If you've decided to hang around here for awhile, however, enjoy.

And I hope you choose to return to read my next blog post.  I'll be writing about the single most important and cherished thing I found on my journey:  

I found the time.